User Agreement

Hello Diffusion Singularity community and AI enthusiasts! Welcome to the Diffusion Singularity User Agreement (“Terms”) that governs your access to and use of the online products and services provided by Diffusion Singularity, Inc. (Diffusion Singularity,” “we,” “us,” or “our”).

1. Your Access to the Services

To kick things off, you need to be at least 13 years old (or older if required by your local laws) to use our Services. We may have additional Services with age restrictions, so pay attention to the notices and any Additional Terms when you access them.

By using our Services, you confirm that:

If you're accepting these Terms on behalf of another entity, like a business or government entity, you're representing that you have the legal authority to bind that entity to these Terms.

2. Privacy

Our Privacy Policy details how we collect, use, and share information about you. By using our Services, you consent to the collection and use of your information as outlined in the Privacy Policy.

3. Your Use of the Services

As long as you follow these Terms, we grant you a personal, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable, limited license to use our Services. Don't try to sell, transfer, or commercially exploit our Services or Content without our written agreement.

We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Services, but we'll do our best to let you know beforehand. You agree that we won't be liable for any changes or disruptions to the Services.

4. Your Diffusion Singularity Account and Account Security

Certain features might require you to create an Diffusion Singularity account. Keep your account info secure, use a strong password, and let us know if you suspect any unauthorized access. Don't transfer your account without our written approval.

5. Your Content

The Services may contain various materials, including content you create or submit (“Your Content”). While we don't endorse or guarantee Your Content, we do want you to own it. However, by submitting it to our Services, you grant Diffusion Singularity a license to use, modify, and distribute it.

We reserve the right to review and remove Your Content at our discretion, especially if it violates these Terms or our Content Policy.

6. Third-Party Content, Advertisements, and Promotions

Our Services might have links to third-party content, products, or services. Be cautious, investigate, and use them at your own risk. If you run a promotion on our platform, you're solely responsible for compliance with the law.

7. Things You Cannot Do

Abide by the rules outlined in these Terms and follow applicable laws. Check out our Content Policy for more specific guidelines. If you come across any violations, report them to us.

8. Prohibited Conduct

In addition to the guidelines outlined in the Content Policy, when using or accessing the Services, you must comply with these Terms and all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. Here's a summary of what you cannot do:

If you come across content or conduct that violates these rules, we encourage you to report it. We also support the responsible reporting of security vulnerabilities. If you find a security issue, please email

9. Paid Services

While many aspects of our Services are free, some may require payment (“Paid Services”). If you use Paid Services, additional agreements may apply.

10. Intellectual Property

Our Services and associated materials are protected by intellectual property laws. You can't use them without our express authorization.

11. Indemnity

If your use of our Services causes harm or violates these Terms, you agree to defend and indemnify Diffusion Singularity against any claims.

12. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

Our Services are provided “as is,” and we're not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or actions of users. We won't be liable for indirect or incidental damages.

13. Governing Law and Venue

If you have a dispute, let's try to resolve it informally. If that doesn't work, we'll rely on the laws of California, and disputes will be addressed in the federal or state courts in San Francisco.

14. Changes to these Terms

We might tweak these Terms, and if we do, we'll let you know. By continuing to use our Services after changes, you agree to the updated Terms.

15. Additional Terms

Certain Services may have specific terms, policies, or rules you need to agree to before using them. They're part of these Terms.

16. Termination

You can end these Terms at any time by deleting your account. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account for various reasons, especially if you violate these Terms or our Content Policy.

17. Miscellaneous

These Terms, along with our Privacy Policy and any Additional Terms, make up our entire agreement. We may make changes, but any invalid parts won't affect the rest. You can't transfer your rights without our consent.

These Terms are a deal between you and Diffusion Singularity, Inc. If you have questions, get in touch!