Privacy Policy

At Diffusion Singularity, your privacy is our priority, and we're committed to safeguarding your personal information. Here's a breakdown on how we handle and manage the data you share with us:

1. Your Privacy, Your Call:

We're all about giving you the reins. No sharing your data without your go-ahead – consider it your exclusive VIP pass.

2. Just the Essentials:

We only collect what's necessary for the smooth sailing of our ship – names, email addresses, the essentials. Your info stays right here and doesn't make any surprise guest appearances elsewhere.

3. Security Measures:

Security is our middle name. We've got physical, electronic, and managerial maestros keeping your data safe. No unauthorized access on our watch.

4. Tag-Teaming for Success:

Sometimes, we bring in the cavalry to keep things top-notch. These are our third-party pals – helping with emails and data analysis. Don't worry, we only spill the beans if you give us a nod.

5. Other's Other Rules:

We can't vouch for the privacy vibes at other parties (looking at you, third-party sites). Check out their privacy policies before sharing any personal info on their platforms.

6. Sharing the Spotlight:

When you're strutting your stuff on our platform, some of it becomes public. Your profile, activities, and content may be visible to everyone. It's like being on a stage, and we're the spotlight operators.

7. Social Sharing Stuff:

We've got cool features for sharing your awesome moments. Just know, using these features means sharing with friends or the public, based on your settings with the third party providing the feature. For the full scoop, check out the privacy policies of the third parties involved (think Reddit, Facebook, Twitter).

Got Questions? Let's Chat:

Curious about the nitty-gritty? We're here to chat. Drop us a line if you have any questions on our privacy policy.