StableSwarmUI 0.6.2 Beta Released
New Themes, SwarmInput nodes, new "Simple" tab, plus many improvements and bug fixes
Major Updates
- New Themes: "Modern Dark" and "Modern Light"
- new "SwarmInput" comfy nodes to allow fully specifying parameter details when building comfy workflows for usage with swarm
- added new "Simple" tab, which lets you build custom workflows and provide an easy direct-linkable interface that's safe, clean, and easy for even beginners / non-technical people to use your workflows with
- Added automatic installer buttons for controlnet and ip-adapter
- added custom word autocompletions setting (eg for anime booru tags)
- added prompt alternating steps syntax a photo of a <alternate:cat,dog>, and a prompt-editing-timestep syntax a photo of a <fromto[0.2]:green, blue> cat